Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mill Valley Church to Perform Same-Sex Weddings

Mill Valley, CA, June 3, 2008 – The Community Church of Mill Valley welcomes LGBT couples wishing to have a church wedding. In the wake of the California Supreme Court’s In re Marriage ruling the congregation enthusiastically affirmed that same sex church weddings may be performed after the official state opening date of June 17.

The Community Church of Mill Valley is a member of the United Church of Christ. The UCC General Synod has voted to support same-sex marriage, and filed an amicus brief in the In re Marriage case. The Northern California/Nevada Conference UCC voted to affirm the California Supreme Court ruling at its Annual Meeting within a day of the decision. The Community Church is an Open and Affirming UCC church that welcomes all people regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.

Couples should contact the church office at 415-388-5540 or CCMVUCC@comcast.net.

ABOUT the Community Church of Mill Valley – The Church is a member of the United Church of Christ, a progressive denomination that respects freedom of individual conscience, with no “tests of faith” for our 1.4 million members. Our own Community Church is an open, diverse, welcoming community of friends that has been in Mill Valley since 1930.