Eve of Justice and Day of Hearing Volunteer Planning
Marriage Equality USA Call for Volunteers
On March 5th, the California Supreme Court will hear arguments on why Prop 8 should be repealed. We have two events we’d like you to participate in on this historic occasion. We need volunteers to help make these events a huge success. If you want to volunteer, see VOLUNTEER DETAILS below.
On Wednesday, March 4th we begin The Eve of Justice rally at Harvey Milk Plaza and hear from speakers including Cleve Jones and Dustin Black (Academy Award Winner for the Milk screenplay). From 5-6pm we will March Forth from the Castro to the California Supreme Court at Civic Center Plaza for an inspirational Candlelight Vigil and Rally for previews from the legal advocates who will be presenting reasons on why the Court must overturn Prop 8, entertainment and inspiring speakers from communities and organizations that are invested in equality for all.
The, join us on Thursday, March 5th at Civic Center Plaza (just outside the steps of the California Supreme Court). We will begin at 7:30am with a Hope and Justice Program led by supportive faith leaders who believe Prop 8 must be overturned and then from 9am to noon we will gather with thousands of others to watch the oral arguments on a jumbtron.
VOLUNTEER DETAILS - sign up and contact information below
We need to volunteers to help distribute post cards at BART stations and other locations beginning with the Wednesday commute.
Wednesday at 3:00 Pre-Rally Preparation Metropolitan Community Church
150 Eureka Street
San Francisco
We need volunteers to assemble signs and candles, organize for distributing signs, candles, chant sheets, stickers and collecting signatures.
Wednesday after 5:00 at the RallyCastro and Market
Meet Marriage Equality USA organizers at Harvey Milk Plaza (Corner of Castro and Market)
During the Rally we need volunteers to distribute signs, candles, chant sheets, stickers and collect signatures and donations.
At 5:45 we need volunteers to organize the beginning of the March and to stand along the March route on Market Street.
Wednesday after 7:00 at the VigilMeet Marriage Equality USA organizers at the Marriage Equality USA canopy located at Civic Center Plaza
During the Vigil we need we need volunteers to distribute signs, candles, chant sheets, stickers and collect signatures and donations.
At the end of the Vigil we need volunteers to collect signs and bring them to the Marriage Equality USA canopy located at Civic Center Plaza
Thursday from 7:30 until end of Jumbotron viewing of the hearingWe need volunteers to distribute signs and stickers and collect signatures and donations and to collect signs at the end of the hearing.
Meet Marriage Equality USA organizers at the Marriage Equality USA canopy located at Civic Center Plaza
HOW TO SIGN UPSend an email to pamela@marriageequality.org with your:
• Name
• Arrival time
• Cell phone numbers so we can have a list the day of the rally.
• Twitter ID if you have one
• T-shirt size if you want the new Marriage Equality USA T-shirt for a $5 donation
Blast this call for volunteers out to everyone you know. It doesn’t hurt if more than one of us contacts the same individuals or organizations.