Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Defend Marriage Equality in Maine!

The results of the most recent poll on Maine’s Proposition 1 battle were released: 51.8 percent of people who plan to vote in November say they will likely vote no on Prop 1, to protect LGBT couples’ freedom to marry. It also shows that 42.9 percent plan to vote against marriage equality. Five percent remain undecided.

While the numbers are encouraging, we know that this will be a tight, razor-thin election. The numbers are too close, and there is just too much at risk for us to be complacent. We’ve seen in our battle against California’s Proposition 8 how opponents of marriage equality pull their most desperate tricks in the final hours. And we know that they’re using the very same campaign of lies in Maine. In fact, they’re even using the same TV ads!

We can’t let them win. We can’t let them continue to deny us the precious right to marry who we love. That’s why we need to continue to work every day to secure every vote we can until November.

Please sign up for a virtual phone bank. All you need is a phone, a couple of hours, and a computer to secure critical votes for marriage equality. Every phone call counts!

No on 1/Protect Maine Equality also needs to have all the resources it needs in the final days to November 3. Please donate now! Every contribution is vital.

Please forward this to everyone you know who supports equality. Let them know that we must act now to make sure that we win this important battle for marriage and for our families.

Most importantly, if you live in Maine, get out and vote no on Prop 1. Send in your absentee ballot or vote in person on November 3. Your vote is a vote for equality.

In Solidarity,

Kate Kendell, Esq.
Executive Director
National Center for Lesbian Rights