Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Gleeful Kate Clinton Slated to Perform at Spectrum Benefit

Kate Clinton is coming to San Rafael and bringing her Glee Party with her.

In a tour that she describes as "part glee and part tea" she looks at the expectation in society that all problems can be solved in one hour minus commercial breaks with a few song and dance numbers thrown in. Her performance at the Hoytt Theater will benefit Spectrum's advocacy programs for LGBT youth.

Clinton is a wise cracking politically minded comedian whose swift wit has been entertaining audiences for over 25 years. Her shows are a mix of news of the day, commentary and observational humor covering religion, politics and LGBT issues.

Humor has long been a tool in creating political change. From court jesters and Jonathan Swift in the past to Steven Colbert and John Stewart today, comedy can say things about a society that cannot be said in other ways. Clinton is part of this tradition, asking the hard questions and as she says, ãtelling the truth no on would say.ä

Comedy also breaks down the barriers between people. "People hear each other in a light moment," Clinton said. Sometimes after a show she will be approached by a member of the audience who says, "I am a Republican but I still laughed." She laughs, "Should I congratulate them?"

According to Kate we all have the opportunity to make a difference but we need to realize that political action is sexy.

"Have you gone door to door with a friend?" She quips and continues say that we need to get out and do more then just send emails. "Moving your body around" is important, create community, have potlucks, get people together she advises starting a book club where ideas are exchanged and taken out into the world.
The creation of community is part of what Spectrum is doing in San Rafael. Their programs offer support groups for LGBTQ youth ages 14-19, GSA clubs and a new collaborative project with Youth Leadership Institute to create positive high school environments for LGBT youth.

The importance of community in creating political change is not lost on Paula Pilecki, Executive Director Spectrum LGBT Center. "We can provide support for kids who have been bullied in school; we can educate parents and guardians whose kids are gay; we can work with schools to be proactive about enforcing zero tolerance anti-bullying policies; and we can advocate for legislation that will protect all students, regardless of real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity. None of these activities can stand alone; we need all of it to make a difference, and we need many voices in order to be heard", Pilecki said.
Kate will be performing on May 22 at, 1:00 PM in the Hoytt Theater, Osher Marin Jewish Community Center, 200 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael. Tickets are available exclusively through Spectrum at (415) 472-1945, ext. 209.

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Quinn Conklin 03 May 2011